The only way out is through.
Surveyors are beings created by Phanuel that exist solely for the purpose of protecting and overseeing the
realms they have all been assigned to.
In total, there are 9 surveyors.
3 for each realm.
As it stands, the names of the surveyors located in the Dream and the Hollow are unknown.
However, they are said to be known as “the Butterflies” (the Dream) and “the Crows” (the Hollow).
As for the Nightmare, the surveyors that oversee it are known as “the Three”. This is due to the fact that they were the
first three surveyors ever created by Phanuel’s hand.
The very first surveyor to be created is known as Nikoli.
NIKOLI (The Centipede)
Nikoli is said to be Phanuel’s most favorite creation.
She was the first of all the surveyors.
Upon her conception, she was originally known as “the Millipede”. However, as time went on, she slowly transitioned into “the Centipede”.
She’s the only being in the known realms who has ever transitioned in this way.
Nikoli’s main task is to research human souls, and the anomalies that some of them create.
Anomalies are still quite mysterious to Phanuel, so Nikoli’s work and research is invaluable.
She is the only surveyor of the Nightmare who has had the privilege of exploring the other realms outside of her own.
She has met the other surveyors face to face, and explored their lands. In fact, this is where she received the mask she wears upon
her head. Nikoli is said to have befriended one of the crows of the Hollow and that her mask was gifted to her by said crow.
Age: Unknown
Height: 8'11/243 CM
Gender: She/Her
She can remove the bottom half of her face, revealing something far more grotesque.
Nikoli has the ability to summon up to 100 phantom arms within a 1 mile radius.
She often performs surgical procedures on anomalies and their creators to better understand how they work.
Her saliva contains a form of “venom” that she can inject into a patients mouth to sedate them if need be.
The more one ingests, the longer and more effective the sedation is.
She is also known to be the adoptive mother of an abandoned anomaly known as “Mimmie”.
Despite her gentle demeanor, Nikoli can become quite frightening when she wants to be.
AMARIS (The Mantis)
Amaris is the second born of the Three.
She is known as the Mantis.
The Mantis’ main task is to watch over souls, and to escort them to Phanuel’s court when they are called.
She’s said to be shy, typically avoiding most conversations whenever she can.
She spends most of her time following Carey, her youngest sister.
Age: Unknown
Height: 9’00/274 CM
Gender: She/Her
Amaris has the ability to remove the entirety of her face in the same way that Nikoli can remove her lower half.
While she’s quite docile, she does have an angrier side to her and becomes violent when it’s triggered.
It’s said that Amaris has been caught frequently eating the heads off of male human souls.
Her excuse has always been that “they’ll regenerate and return anyway”.
Amaris can remove large spines from her arms which she uses to swing at anyone she attacks. Despite her lanky build,
she’s actually quite powerful.
She’s awkward, and tends to avoid most eye contact. Amaris will do whatever her sister Carey asks of her.
CAREY (The Scorpion)
Carey is the youngest of the Three.
And she certainly stands out from her older sisters.
Unlike her sisters, Carey has no ties to insects, hence her title. It’s currently unknown as to why Phanuel created her so differently.
Her main task is to wrangle up anomalies for Nikoli when she needs to research them, as well as keeping a watchful
eye on the Nightmare with her sister Amaris.
Out of all three surveyors, Carey is said to be the most volatile and hot headed.
Age: Unknown
Height: 7’7/231 CM
Gender: She/Her
Carey can only remove the half of her face and eye that is covered by her hair.
While she gets along fine with Amaris, Carey does not get along with Nikoli. In fact, she shows a hint of jealousy
towards her for being Phanuel’s favorite creation.
Carey’s stinger producers venom which she uses to sedate others if she needs to.
Her arms and hands are slightly disproportionate to the rest of her, much like a scorpions claws.
With enough force, she can use her hands to break objects if need be. This includes bodies,
and the like. Her strength lies within said arms and hands.