The only way out is through.
Phanuel and her trials
Before the dawn of humankind, a small glimmer of light cracked through the very fabric of the universe.
From this light, a large red “room” had appeared, aimlessly floating through the void of existence for seemingly no reason at all.
As time went on, the room began to grow. Within its walls, it formed three doorways. Each one leading to vast open spaces without a single trace of life.
And as these three spaces formed, so did a small being of “light” within the center of the large red room.
A room that acted as a womb to incubate its first instance of life.
This was the conception of Phanuel.
When she came to be, she knew only her name and nothing more.
She had awoken within the center of the red room, face to face with the three doorways that stood before her.
One lead to a large void of a world filled with light so bright that she could not bear to stay within its walls for too long.
The other two doors lead to much darker worlds. One made of flesh, rotting metal and rust, and the other made of flesh and blood.
She named these worlds herself, upon exploring them more thoroughly.
She called them the Hollow, the Nightmare, and the Dream.
And she titled the red room as “her court”.
In the beginning, she was all alone with these worlds. And all Phanuel felt compelled to do was to create and to destroy.
Using the confines of her own mind, the being began creating large towers throughout the Hollow and the Nightmare.
These structures served no purpose. They just needed to be. That was all she could repeat in her mind.
The more Phanuel created, the more she dismantled. And then she would repeat the process.
She did not understand the drive she felt to create in the way that she did, and she could not bring herself to stop.
Even when she grew tired of creating, she still wanted to create more.
But the more she created, the emptier she felt. Her consciousness began to help her realize that she was alone in existence.
And she wanted to be around other living beings like herself. She wanted to create life.
Using the flesh and blood of the Nightmares walls, she created something entirely new. Something alive, and with its own consciousness.
She created a being that she called “Nikoli”.
This being was unlike anything she’d ever known, and for once, she felt pride in her creation.
In time, she bonded with this creation, and she cherished Nikoli so.
When Phanuel realized she had the ability to create life, she felt compelled to create even more.
In time, she created two other beings, known as Amaris and Carey.
Shortly after, she created six more beings that she merely called her “butterflies” and her “crows”.
The butterflies were eventually sent to live in the Dream, as they could survive its light.
The crows were sent to reside in the Hollow, as they could survive its darkness.
The last three were sent to live in the Nightmare as they could withstand it’s chaotic environment.
As time passed, all of Phanuel’s creations began reporting strange instances of unknown beings suddenly appearing in the
realms they were assigned to. These beings had memories of who they were prior to arrival, and all seemed to express that their last
memories centered around their final moments on “Earth”.
Phanuel asked Nikoli to research these instances further, thus leading her to the discovery of Earth and human life.
From within her court, she discovered she had the ability to spy on Earth and humans alike, while also
spying on the souls of the ones who arrived in her domain.
And within time, she learned she had the ability to control the fates of these poor souls through her own power. This was
how Phanuel’s system of trials were invented.
Trials are occurrences where souls are chosen to stand before Phanuel in her court and are forced to reveal their
memories to be judged accordingly. If Phanuel believes that someone is worthy of passing on to eternal rest, she will peacefully
send their soul into the universe where it gently tears apart and becomes intertwined with reality itself in a final act of “rest”.
If she feels a soul is not fit to pass on but could use a “second chance”, Phanuel sends the soul back to
Earth in an act of reincarnation so they can try again.
And in some cases, if she feels a soul is entirely unworthy of a second chance or eternal rest, she sends the soul back
into their assigned realm to succumb to the rot.
If a soul comes from the Dream, they are automatically granted a trial by default. Souls that reside in the Dream are highly unlikely
to be sent to succumb to the rot. In fact, it’s hardly ever happened.
Souls that come from the Hollow and the Nightmare, however, have much less of a chance of being sent into eternal rest.
Trials within these two realms are completely at random, and no one is ever truly guaranteed one.
Only human souls can be granted trials. If a human is capable of producing anomalies, their anomalies cannot be granted
trials alongside with them. They are kept aside in wait of their creators fate.
If a human soul that creates anomalies is sentenced to reincarnation or to rot,
their anomalies will remain in their respected realms for eternity. And in some cases, the anomalies find ways to
escape the realms and drift into the universe aimlessly with no purpose.
However, if a human soul is sent to eternal rest, their anomalies will cease to be, dissipating from existence entirely.
Extra facts about Phanuel:
Age: Unknown
Height: 5’5 (165 cm) but has the ability to shape shift
Gender: All
Her typical appearance is not her true appearance.
The six extra arms she dons behind her back are retractable.
Phanuel takes on the appearance of a human being by choice. This is due to her strange fascination with them.
She seems to detest humans, but also finds them very amusing.
During her time spying on the living, she has gone through multiple phases of “mimicking” humans and their behaviors.
Whether that be how they dress, the technology they use, etc.
Phanuel currently dresses in a black suit with feathered black hair and bangs.
For fun, she calls herself “the CEO” of the Nightmare. This is, yet again, due to her fascination with
mirroring the behaviors of humans. From time to time, whenever she speaks, little balloons
with “kaomojis” appear over her head to express how she’s feeling in the moment.
She has the ability to will whatever she imagines into existence as projections whenever she sees fit.
And because this is a dangerous power, she uses it sparingly. Phanuel usually uses this power to entertain herself, if anything.
In her time of observing human beings and their souls, she’s grown to have an insatiable appetite for human women’s souls.
Phanuel finds human women to be “the most beautiful and most desirable beings in the known universe”.
She has been known to invite souls from the Nightmare and the Hollow into her court to develop temporary relationships.
These relationships never last long, and Phanuel seems to cycle through human women’s souls quite frequently.
It is said that Phanuel has courted thousands of women in her time of existence.
It would seem that enough is never enough.