The only way out is through.

Lucelia, Lucifer and LuLu


Lucelia is the main focus of this story.

She has been a victim for most of, if not all of her life.

Lucelia has suffered at the hands of familial abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, sexual assault in her teenage years, and alcohol addiction.
In hear earlier life, she developed an unhealthy relationship with her mother, which slowly degraded as she grew older.
In her mid 20’s, Lucelia found a way to move out on her own, completely isolating herself from the outside world.

She found work as a freelance artist to keep food on the table, but struggled to survive.
As her isolation went on into her early/mid 30’s, her mental health declined. She began experiencing episodes of psychosis
and mania which were exacerbated by her addiction and more.

One fateful evening, she stumbled out into the woods outside her home in a drunken stupor with the intention
of taking her own life. Lucelia could no longer take the episodes and paranoia she frequently felt.
She made her way to a nearby lake and pushed herself out on a small boat, completely black out drunk.
This resulted in her passing out and falling into the water, resulting in her unfortunate death.

Age: Deceased at 35
Height: 5’5/ 165 CM
Gender: She/Her
Lucelia is a tender splitter. She is responsible for the creation of two separate anomalies.
Lucifer and LuLu.
Her anomalies formed in the Nightmare seven years prior to her suicide.
The one thing Lucelia struggled the most with in life was a burning hatred for herself, her sexuality, and feeling the loss of control
over her own autonomy.


Lucifer is one of Lucelia’s two anomalies.
They are known to be level headed, while having a firm grasp on their emotions.

Lucifer’s only goal is to help Lucelia out of the Nightmare so that she can rest for good.
They have felt all of Lucelia’s pain, and do not want her to suffer any longer.

This anomaly cares deeply for both their creator and their other half, LuLu.
And while they know that Lucelia being put to rest will destroy both them and LuLu, they know it’s what has
to be done.

Age: Mirrors Lucelia/35
Height: 5’5/ 165 CM
Gender: They/Them
Lucifer falls under the clown anomaly classification.
During their wait for Lucelia to arrive in the Nightmare, Lucifer has shared an extensive
history with LuLu in the form of an unbalanced and toxic “relationship”.
However, the moment Lucelia arrived to the Nightmare, they were immediately pushed
aside in favor of Lucelia.


LuLu is one of Lucelia’s two anomalies.
She is unbalanced, volatile, aggressive, murderous, obsessive and more.
She mirrors every toxic aspect of Lucelia’s mind, but is far more exaggerated.

LuLu is well aware that she has the power to bend reality to her will and intends to use it to
trap Lucelia in the Nightmare for eternity if she can find a way.

She is obsessed with her creator and wants nothing but her. LuLu will do anything she can to get what she wants.

Age: Mirrors Lucelia/35
Height: 5’5/ 165 CM
Gender: She/He/They
Lucifer falls under the shadow anomaly classification.
While she waited for Lucelia to arrive in the Nightmare, she shared an extensive toxic relationship with Lucifer,
using them to quell their own loneliness.
The very moment she sensed Lucelia’s arrival, she pushed Lucifer away.
Even so, Lucifer still cares for her.
LuLu takes joy out of harming others, and even makes it a habit to slaughter denizens of the Nightmare as
a “fun game” when she grows bored. She finds it entertaining to stalk them as well.
She is a danger to everything and everyone around her.