The only way out is through.
Hallucinations, Metamorphosis and the rot
Hallucinations are occurrences that only happen within the Hollow and the Nightmare.
When a hallucination takes place, the human soul experiencing it freezes in place and turns to static. While their physical form remains
out in the open, their mind is taken to an entirely different “reality”.
In this reality, they are subjected to traumatic events from their prior lives and forced to relive them until they
can find a way out of the hallucination.
These traumatic events can range anywhere from events of abuse, to minor mishaps. It all entirely depends and they happen at random.
Hallucinations tend to exaggerate the memory in question, making the experience far more terrifying.
The only way to stop a hallucination is for the soul to find a way out of it, for a surveyor to intervene, or (if they have one) their own anomaly to intervene.
Anomalies have the ability to enter the minds of their creators as they experience hallucinations and can intervene at any time they see fit.
Souls can be harmed and even killed within their own hallucinations, but they will always regenerate from this and return later if this does happen.
Metamorphosis is a process that only happens within the Nightmare.
Once a soul has entered the Nightmare, they immediately begin the process.
The realm automatically assigns their soul an insect which then intertwines with said soul.
Insects tend to be based on the life someone lived, who they were, etc.
It tends to be metaphorical.
At first, the changes are unnoticeable. One might start off entirely human in appearance with very little insect features. Sometimes even none.
However, the more time passes, the more these features begin to sprout and appear. The first week a soul arrives, they might have
zero features, and the next, they might begin to sprout antennae or wings. Maybe even more. However, the process is quite
slow so the changes take time to notice. They start off small and grow larger over time.
If a soul goes through the entire process of metamorphosis before they can be granted a trial, they are automatically sentenced to rot through
their metamorphosis. And the process is just as painful as succumbing to the rot, alone.
The process takes 1000 years (10 years Earth time) to complete.
As one reaches the end of their metamorphosis, they become a disgusting amalgamation of both insect and human while completely
losing themselves. Their minds are wiped clean and they forget everything about themselves entirely. Their bodies eventually
freeze up and they begin to harden and crack apart, turning to dust which scatters throughout the Nightmare in a final act of decay.
The Rot:
The rot (also known as “the Final Death”) is a process that takes place when a soul has gone on too long without being granted a trial
to pass onward from the realm they are trapped within. This typically only ever happens to dwellers of the Hollow and the Nightmare.
When one succumbs to the rot, their body begins to fall apart. Their flesh begins to melt, their limbs begin falling off one by one, so on and so forth.
This typically happens after 1000 years of a souls existence in the realms has come to pass.
As the body deteriorates, any parts of it that have fallen off turn to ash and crumble away. The memory of the soul slowly begins to fade and they are
eventually turned into nothingness.
In the Hollow, a soul that succumbs to rot is left to rot wherever it falls. In the Nightmare, bodies that begin to rot are taken to a place
known as the Graveyard. The Graveyard is a guarded section of the Nightmare run by a being known as “Ankou” the grave keeper.
When bodies in the Nightmare succumb to rot in the graveyard, the debris of their bodies can sometimes form into little “sprites” known
as “rot sprites”.